PE 8

Monday, April 27, 2020

April 28th WOD - Cardio

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Today's Cardio WOD (30min)

Your choice of aerobic activity (Jog, Bike, Power walk, Skateboard...)

Try to get set up with a tracker at to track your distance today.  If you have another distance tracker that you use, let us know in the form that's coming as an assignment for today's WOD

Start off with an easy pace for the first 10 min.  You should be working your way up to around 60% of your max heart rate, around 120-130 beats per minute (bpm).  This is a pace where you feel like you could keep going for well over an hour.  On the RPE scale you should be about a 5 or 6 where you can still put a sentence together, maybe even string two together.

The middle 10 minutes should be a challenge.  You need to bring your pace up to near 80% of your max, something near 160bpm. This is up at RPE 8 where it's only a word or two at a time... if any at all.  Through this section you want to basically go as fast as you can go, while making sure you can keep going.  THIS IS NOT A SPRINT. Push through the discomfort knowing that you have an easy 10 minutes coming up.

The final 10 minutes should bring you back down to the 60% you were at before.  If you're running, try to maintain at least a jog (i.e. don't immediately stop running when you hit this phase).  Similarly, if you're riding a bike, keep spinning... don't just stop and coast.

If you don't have a device to track your distance.  Keep track of the time (30 mins duh) and the route you travelled on.  You will be able to use a route mapping software like --> On the go map <-- (free with no sign up) to see exactly how far you went.

Have fun!

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