PE 8

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thursday April 30 - Workout of the Day - HIIT

Hey PE'ers.  Have an enjoyable workout!

Focus:  High Intensity Interval Training.

During HIIT training, your heart rate (measured in "beats per minute" or bpm) should be around 80% of your Max Heart Rate.  Remember: Your max heart rate = 220 - your age.  (So for example;  if you are 15 - your max HR would be 205 bpm.)  Then take your max HR and x .80 = this is the high end of your target heart rate zone.  (So, if you're 15 - you would want your heart rate around 164 bpm [205 x .80].)  If you don't have a HR device available to you or don't want to take your HR during exercise... another good indicator that your HR is in the upper target zone is that you're breathing hard and it should be difficult to speak more than a few words.

For Option 1 and Option 2 - you will need to do a warm-up before beginning.  (Option 3 includes a warm-up)

Option 1

Darebee HIIT Workout:

Option 2

Pyramid HIIT Workout:

Round 1 - 5 of each exercise
Round 2 - 10 of each exercise
Round 3 - 15 of each exercise
Round 4 - 10 of each exercise
Round 5 - 5 of each exercise

  • high knees (each knee) 
  • Russian twists* (each side)  - see demo below
  • lunges (each leg) 
  • mountain climbers (each leg) 
  • squats 
  • jumping jacks
Rest anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes in between each round.

*Russian Twist demo

Option 3

Fitness Blender HIIT Workout:

Have Fun!
***Don't forget to submit your PE Journal***

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 29 Strength 

Choose    - 5-10 min jog
                - 5-10 min jump rope

Stretch 5-10 min.

Ladders/agility and strength: (no ladder?get some chalk and draw one, use tiles on your floor, sidewalk seams, be creative 10 boxes)
One-Ins: do 2-3 or 4 sets
Two-Ins: do 2, 3 or 4 sets
Crossover: do 2,3 or 4 sets

Choose your level, 2, 3 or 4 sets, rest for about 1 minute between sets.  If a particular exercise causes discomfort or pain skip it and move on to the next.
Superman on Hands and knees 2, 3 or 4 sets of 10

Russian Twist 2, 3 or 4 sets of 10(feet on or off floor)

Front Plank 2, 3 or 4 sets 30 sec. each

Lower Body:
Body squat  2, 3 or 4 sets of 10
Step-up with knee drive

Side Lunge 2,3, or 4 sets of 10

Upper Body:
Push-ups 2, 3, or 4 sets of 20
Bench dip 2, 3, or 4 sets of 10

Light cool-down

Monday, April 27, 2020

April 28th WOD - Cardio

If the above video does not load, please click ----> HERE

Today's Cardio WOD (30min)

Your choice of aerobic activity (Jog, Bike, Power walk, Skateboard...)

Try to get set up with a tracker at to track your distance today.  If you have another distance tracker that you use, let us know in the form that's coming as an assignment for today's WOD

Start off with an easy pace for the first 10 min.  You should be working your way up to around 60% of your max heart rate, around 120-130 beats per minute (bpm).  This is a pace where you feel like you could keep going for well over an hour.  On the RPE scale you should be about a 5 or 6 where you can still put a sentence together, maybe even string two together.

The middle 10 minutes should be a challenge.  You need to bring your pace up to near 80% of your max, something near 160bpm. This is up at RPE 8 where it's only a word or two at a time... if any at all.  Through this section you want to basically go as fast as you can go, while making sure you can keep going.  THIS IS NOT A SPRINT. Push through the discomfort knowing that you have an easy 10 minutes coming up.

The final 10 minutes should bring you back down to the 60% you were at before.  If you're running, try to maintain at least a jog (i.e. don't immediately stop running when you hit this phase).  Similarly, if you're riding a bike, keep spinning... don't just stop and coast.

If you don't have a device to track your distance.  Keep track of the time (30 mins duh) and the route you travelled on.  You will be able to use a route mapping software like --> On the go map <-- (free with no sign up) to see exactly how far you went.

Have fun!

WOD - Monday April 27th Flexibility

Hey PE people,
Monday's WOD is all about Flexibility

Why stretching is important
Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way.Sep 25, 2019
Link below for more information.

The importance of stretching - Harvard Health

Three options for you listed below.  Make sure you warm up before you start can do this through a dynamic warm up or a little movement (jumping jacks, skip rope, short jog, run up and down the stairs a few times etc...).

1.  Strong Core Flow Yoga with Noelle from Revelstoke's Balu Yoga

2.  Try this darabee stretch routine after a run/ride etc...
Sore Muscles

3.  A beginner stretching routine 20minutes ***Watch the hyperextension of the back, I would only go as high as you can naturally lift your torso without the help of hands.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Friday April 24th WOD

Friday is your choice!
Woop!  It's FRIDAY!
Pick anything from the WODs this week.  Try something new if you can, challenge yourself and have fun!!  Go with a friend (just make sure you are social distancing) or work out via FaceTime or Teams so you are working out together!
Remember to log your workouts, your heart rate and RPE.  Here is the RPE chart again as a reminder!

Check out the Friday core challenge...yes toothbrushing while planking...not sure if the dentists would approve!  We challenge you to find your own plank challenge of a daily habit and send it to us by video!!!  There might be prizes!  Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Thursday April 23 - PE WOD

Welcome to Thursday's Workout of the Day!!!

Today's focus is; HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).

I hope you had a chance to watch the video last Friday that explained what HIIT is, if not, I would encourage you to go back and have a look.

Option #1 - HIIT workout from Fitness Blender - Approx. 25 mins (this includes warm-up and cool-down).

Option #2 - another cardio HIIT video from Yvette Bachman (personally, I found this one a little easier than last Friday's workout), but about the same duration.... 45 mins... includes warm-up and cool down.

Option #3  - Darebee workout - Approx. 15-30 mins depending on the level you choose.

Have an awesome workout!

Please remember to submit your PE Journal
Wed. April 22    Flexibility
dfn. the range of movement at a joint.  Good flexibility helps with most sports, can lessen the risk of injury, back pain, and balance problems.
Recent research suggests that you should stretch after a 5-10 minute warm-up, after muscles are warm and supple.

Have a look at the video below...It gives a very brief overview of the physiology of stretching, and how the muscles work when being stretched.


warm up 5-10 minutes light run/skipping/jumping jacks, or any combination

Possible training sessions for the day:

Flexibility and Mobility-lower body

Flexibility and Mobility-upper body

Overall body flexibility session:

Or try this Darebee superhero workout...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

WOD -Tuesday April 21st -Strength

Strength is the focus for today.

Complete a short dynamic warmup (5min) to get ready for the workout.

The classic four-pack of body weight exercises.  Complete all of one exercise before moving on to the next.  We will do four sets of each exercise with 2 min rest in between.

-4 sets of 10-15
-Slowly squat down counting a full three seconds on the way down.  Pause for 1 second at the bottom of the squat and then rise back to full stand taking 2 full seconds. (3-1-2 timing)
-Keep a strong neutral spine and make sure your knees are tracking to your toes

Push Ups
-4 sets of as many reps as possible
-ideally your target is between 10-20
-modify to knees if necessary
-if crushing more than 20 in a set put your feet up on a couch or chair to increase the challenge
-if more of a challenge is necessary, do the 3-1-2 technique as in the squats

-4 sets of 10-15
-Use the bedsheet hack for a home row station Bedsheet in Doorframe rows

Hollow Holds
-4 sets of as long as you can hold it :)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

WOD - Monday April 20

WOD - Monday April 20th:  CARDIO 45minutes!
Make sure you warm up, cool down and do three heart rates please (see below).

Before you go figure out some heart rate targets.  What is 55%-60% of your heart rate and what is 75-80% of heart rate.  (go here for heart rate calculations).

Three options today:  1.  Outside cardio intervals.  2.  Cardio youtube video.  3.  Darebee workout.

1.  Outside Cardio (beefed up with some intervals!)

Pick your Cardio activity:
-power walk
-roller ski
-roller blade
-nordic ski
Go for 45 minutes and in the middle 15 minutes add in 10 sets of 20-30 second speed bursts (change of pace and therefore increase in heart rate).

While you are out stop three times to measure your heart rate:  at 7 minutes, at 23 minutes and at 37 minutes.  Goal is to be at 55-60% at stop 1 and 3 and at 75-80 during your intervals at stop 2.

2.  Cardio Youtube video: 
Start by doing a 10 minute dynamic warm up on your own, measure heart rate and then start the video. (You can use your stairs to get your heart rate up, jog up and down them a few times and then get into dynamic stretches). 
Stop to take your heart rate once in the middle and once right before cool down. video is 35 minutes with a cool down.

3.  Darebee workout

10 minute dynamic warm up
25 minutes of one of these darebee workouts
Cardio & Coordination
Shake up
10 minute cool down (slow jog, stairs for 1-2 minutes and static stretching)

Take heart rate at 10 min, 20min & 35min (did you hit your goals?)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Physical and Health Education - WOD - Friday April 17

WELCOME TO FRIDAY'S Workout of the Day - Focus:  HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

To help you learn a bit more about HIIT.

YouTube video: "What is HIIT?"

You have 3 choices for your HIIT workout today:

OPTION 1:  A Darebee workout - will take approximately 12-28 mins depending on the level you choose.


Wake up and go HIIT Workout by Fitness Blender

This will take approximately 15-20 mins.


HIIT Cardio Class with Yvette Bachman

This will take approximately 45 mins.


Enjoy your weekend.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

WOD - April 16th 2020 Flexibility and Recovery

Hopefully you've had a nice smooth Cardio day on Tuesday, followed by a solid strength workout yesterday.  Today's focus will be on flexibility and recovery as we near the end of the week.

Once again, there are a few options for our flexibility work.

Option 1

A beginner 15min flexibility routine

Option 2

For those of you that are digging the Darebee workouts, here is a version that pulls things way back into a self-guided beginner  yoga routine... again, about 15min in length.  As you will be holding each pose for 30sec, you will find it helpful to keep a timer/stopwatch close by to guide you.

Darebee Recovery Yoga Workout

Option 3

For folks that are more in the intermediate/advanced world of Yoga and flexibility, here is a 30min Vinyasa Yoga flow class that will definitely get a bit of a sweat on.

If you don't like having to hold poses for a long period of time, you might really like Vinyasa.  It's all about smooth transition between poses, using breath for a seamless flow of movement and a variety of postures.

Intermediate Vinyasa Flow Yoga

NAMASTE y'all!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020



Three options today, an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible in time allotment), a darebee workout and a traditional weights workout with no weights!  Pick one - don't forget to log your workout!!

Option 1:  CLC
20 minute AMRAP (so do as many rounds of all exercises as you can in 20 minutes)
-10 push ups
-10 air squats
-30 seconds of mountain climbers (see Thursday April 9 for review of this)
-30 second wall sit

Option 2: darebee 

Option 3: Trad workout (repeat 3 times)
You will need two chairs, broom stick & a towel
8-15 bicep curls with towel (video here) do single leg or double leg for more work
8-15 dips (use chair) (triceps)
8-15 broomstick pull ups (video here) put broom stick between two chairs (lats/latissimus dorsi, trapezius, biceps & forearms) (try to lift whole body, heals on ground if set up strong enough
6-15 (per side) Bulgarian split squat (video here) use chair or something slightly lower works well too like a lower foot stool especially if it stretches quads too much. (gluts/quads/hamstrings & gastrocnemius)
30sec-1min hollow rock HOLD (video here). (abdominals)

Basic muscle chart:

Monday, April 13, 2020

WOD-Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Training Focus Intensity of training-using your HR(heart rate)

We often talk about the FIT Principle when looking at a training program.
F- Frequency-how often do I train?  4-5 per week(can depend on what you are into)
I- Intensity- How hard do I train
T-How long are my training sessions? Kinda depends on the intensity of the workout.(minimum 30-40 min)

Work through the attached training zone calculator and try to do todays workout in the easy zone - if you can.

How can I easily monitor my HR?  Every 5 min or so check your 15 second HR, and multiply by 4.  Level 1 is also the easy zone,  you usually can chat with a friend etc.


1. POWER WALK-45min- 1 hour, push the pace, swing the arms walk with a purpose!  You'll cover a lot of ground and increase your heart rate if you really push it.

2. Bike 1-1.5 hours keep the legs moving

3. Level 1 run 30-45 min. Check your level 1 training zone above...and give it a shot.

Don't want to go outside?

4. Try one or both of the attached workouts

Thursday, April 9, 2020


Todays focus is HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training
You go at your pace, push yourself as much as you can, but ultimately it's what you can do.
Post your time in the comments only if you want.  Yeah, no one is watching but you're only cheating yourselves...stay gold, stay true to you!  Maybe Facetime a friend and do the workout together for extra motivation!

Option #1
-dynamic warm up 5-10 minutes (see Tuesday)
Round one:  5 jumping jacks, 5 crunches, 5 lunges each side, 5 push ups, 5 burpies, 5 squats (remember straight back don't fold for your squats)
Round two: 10 of each
Round three:  15 of each
-short cool down jog/walk 3 min
-static stretching 10 minutes

Reminder of how to do a good push up here.  If you modify, same directions except knees on ground.

see Monday for the darebee instruction manual.
Don't forget a warm up and cool down.

Deck of cards workout.
Grab a deck of cards, shuffle them up.  Aces=1, J=11, Q=12, K=13
flip a card, do the number and the match to the suit (eg Queen of hearts = 12 squats) go through the deck until you're done.  Record your time in the comments section if you want, definitely in your journal and a heart rate!!  Try and go as fast as you can keeping good form.  Don't forget a warm up and cool down (don't include this in the time you post to comments).
Clubs=Jumping Jacks
Diamonds=mountain climbers

See how to do a mountain climber

Link to von Bremen's Form to log your PE

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

WOD - Wednesday April 8

Todays Focus:  Strength Training
Check out the attached article on Strength Training-Benefits

How Do Muscles Grow??  Take a Look!!

We're assuming you. don't have weight training workouts will be body weight format. Before starting the attached workout spend some time 10-15 minutes warming up.  Light run, skipping, bike, up and down the stairs(my favourite) etc.  Complete the level of your choice and log your work!

Strength workout

Link to Colvin's class LOG

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

WOD - Tuesday April 7

PE Work out of the Day:  Tuesday April 7

Hey PE rockstars!
Today's focus is flexibility.
By the end of today we would like you to understand the difference between dynamic and static stretching and have spent some time on stretching and flexibility.  Here are some ideas on how to do this.
Option #1
5-10 minutes dynamic stretching (see video below if you need direction) (warm up)
20-40 minutes cardio (see choices from Monday's WOD)
2-5 minutes of core (crunches, plank, mountain climbers). OR try our  FUN CORE CHALLENGE (see photo plank stack!!), post your photo in comments!!)
10-15 minutes of static stretching (see video below if you need direction) If you go running check out the post run yoga on the lulu link below.

Option #2
Give an online yoga class a try.  There are many forms/styles of yoga see some here.  If you are needing ideas how to make props click here.
These free yoga videos are great and of different lengths:

Option #3
Try this yoga sequence - go from final pose back to forward fold, standing and repeat on the other side.

Dynamic Stretching:  how to video.  (Nordic, superfit, soccer players you know the routine!).

Post work out static stretching:  skip the first minute!

Great guide to static stretching:

*purpose of dynamic stretching is to get muscles warmed up and moving.  Think of it as moving stretches. Activating the muscles.  It is good to add a little jog in right at the start, think 2x10-20m

*static stretching should be used as part of a cool down, after the muscles have been working.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

WOD - Monday April 6

Today's Focus:  CARDIO

Choose ONE of the workouts to complete and then record it using the form, "PE Journal 2020 (your teacher's name)".  You can find this form on your class's TEAMS page (or possibly your teacher's personal BLOG).

Choice 1 Outside - choose either to:  WALK BRISKLY for at least 1 hour or BIKE for at least 45 mins or JOG for 30 mins.

Choice 2: Cardio Kickboxing (45 mins) YouTube video:  CARDIO KICKBOXING

Choice 3:  Complete one of the two "DAREBEE" workouts listed below:  Choose your level.  See below if you need more explanation on how to do this workout.

                                                    ALADDIN or BURN AND BUILD


For more explanation on darebee workouts:  Darebee Instruction Manual