PE 8

Monday, May 18, 2020

WOD: May 19, strength

Well, the distance challenge is you know which team won and got to Bend?

Today's WOD is a strength workout brought to you by a former RSS grad.

Emily you know that name?  She was a pretty amazing alpine racer in her high school days.  After she graduated from RSS she moved toward biking and today is a high end cross country mountain bike racer.  She currently is training with Pendrel Racing Development.  If you mountain bike in Revelstoke you will likely see her training..  She balances this with going to Uni.  I ran into her on the trails this weekend and she sent me a couple of workouts for you folk!

Here is her favourite strength workout (look out for her favourite cardio workout later this week or next).

Strength Work Out from Emily
(as with all workouts, if there is a section that causes you pain or the number of reps is too high scale back accordingly)

Warm up:
5-10 min warm up run
2 x 15 A skips (video here)
2 x 15 butt kickers
2 x 15 karaoke
3 x 30 seconds skipping (if skipping rope available)

Lower Body:
3 x 10 walking lunges (per leg)
3 x 5-10 single leg squats (or normal squats and work up to doing single leg squats)
2 x 5 Box jumps

Upper Body:
3 x 10 bench dips
3 x 10-15 push ups

3 x 60 second swiss ball plank (as described in this video)
3 x 30 s per side, side plank (can increase difficulty by lifting top leg or doing side plank dips)
3 x 20-30 swiss ball knee ins
3 x 20-30 swiss ball ham curls

** If no swiss ball available:
3 x 60 sec plank with alternating arm and leg lifts
3 x 30s per side, side plank
3 x 30 v- ups (video here)
3 x 20-30 single leg back bridges  (video here)

Stretch or foam roll

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