PE 8

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thursday, May 6
Todays Topic: Injury Prevention(Running):
Some of you are doing a lot more running than you usually do??  Great job!!

Take a look at the following infographic...

This simple routine can help you get started on the path to injury prevention. The following set of exercises will help runners of all ability levels build strength and prevent injuries. These moves address areas that are commonly weak in runners—especially for those of us who sit in an office all day. Performing 2 sets of this routine should take only 15–20 minutes. You can also add weights and/or additional reps to make it more challenging.
1. Forward Lunge (10–20 reps per leg)
Step forward with your right leg so your knee is positioned over your ankle. Lower your body until your left knee brushes the ground. Step back, and repeat on the other side. Once you have mastered forward lunges, there are a variety of others you can add to your routine, including twisting, lateral, diagonal and reverse lunges.
2. Step-Ups (10 reps per leg)
Stand in front of a step or bench that’s 1–2 feet high. Step up with your right foot until your leg is straight. Maintain a tall posture, and step down with the left foot. Repeat on the other side.
3. Pistol Squats (5–10 reps per leg) This one could be a little too tough?? If so, Skip it...
Stand on your right leg with your arms straight out in front of you, then slowly squat down so your right thigh is almost parallel to the ground. Keep the motion slow and controlled, then return to standing. Repeat on the other side.
4. Single-Leg Deadlifts (10–20 reps)
Stand tall, then bend forward from the hip (not the spine) while standing on your left leg and extending your right leg behind you for balance. Return to standing by activating the glutes.

5. Push-Ups (10 reps)
Rest your weight on your palms and toes with your hands shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight and lower your body until your chest reaches the ground, then push back up. To modify, rest your weight on your knees instead of on your toes.
6. Marching Bridge (30–60 seconds)
Lie face up with your feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips and contract your glutes so you form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Straighten one leg, hold for 2–3 seconds, and repeat on the other side.
7. Plank (30–90 seconds)
Place the forearms on the ground with the elbows aligned below your shoulders and arms parallel to the body, about shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight and hold.

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