PE 8

Sunday, June 14, 2020

WOD - Monday June 15, HIIT

3 sets, performed twice
30 seconds of rest between each set
Do 30 seconds of exercise followed by 30 seconds of Jumping Jacks

set #1
  1. squats
  2. push ups
  3. knee drivers
  4. high low plank
  5. alternating lunges
set #2
  1. burpies
  2. bicycles
  3. pop squats
  4. swimmers
  5. spot sprint
  1. penguins (side to side crunch)
  2. mountain climbers
  3. russian twist
  4. overhead squat (pretend you have a bar or use a ski pole or piece of dowling)
  5. hip thrusters
 Don't forget:  warm up and cool down and stretch 

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